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Diskuse (229 komentářů)
(13. 10. 2013 16:11)
Dobrfd den, všichni tady pedšete, co me1 člověk udělat (zajedt k obvodnedmu le9kaři), ale o všechno se mused člověk doprošovat, je1 jsem po oreapcižlučnedku 4 roky, medve1m 3x až 4x do roka koliky, jako bych ani žlučnedk neměla vyoperovanfd, může mě někdo poradit, co me1m dělat,když držedm neuste1le dietu, nemohu jedst ani zeleninu, ani ovoce, ani luštěniny, takove9 ty rady zdravě jedst je na nic, když trpedte neuste1le bolested a ani se nemůžete najedst. Me1m za sebou sono břicha, endoskopii žaludku, vyšetřened průchodnosti žlučnedkovfdch cest a vůbec nikdo se nepozastavuje nad tedm, proč takove9 bolesti neuste1le me1m. Je to prfd postcholecystektomickfd syndrom, ale s něčedm takovfdm se nechci smedřit, laparoskopicke1 operace je jen pro někoho, ale ne pro všechny, le9kaři by měli zodpovědně rozhodovat, kdo je adeptem na takovou oreapci, měla jsem chronicke9 proble9my se žlučnedkem ještě před operaced snad 15 let a chtěla jsem klasickou oreapci, protože jsem se obe1vala, že nebudu medt vyčištěny žlučove9 cesty, proto si mysledm, že bolesti me1m z tohoto důvodu, ale nejsem le9kař, tak to nemohu 100% tvrdit, kdo mi pomůže, kam se me1m obre1tit, to me1m medt svůj život neuste1le v bolestech, tak to je na mašli. http://bgctueqqrvy.com [url=http://oooylza.com]oooylza[/url] [link=http://tcqmvya.com]tcqmvya[/link]
(14. 10. 2013 01:05)
Ačkoliv jsem ženske1 takovfdm věcem nerozumedm přesto si mysledm že většed pte1kovinu lidem předhodit nemlhoi to už si ve1žně mysled že thank you lidičky jsou zbaveni selske9ho rozumu? Ať se jdou stydět nejle9pe do sklepa aby na ně nebylo vidět.
(14. 10. 2013 01:05)
Ačkoliv jsem ženske1 takovfdm věcem nerozumedm přesto si mysledm že většed pte1kovinu lidem předhodit nemlhoi to už si ve1žně mysled že thank you lidičky jsou zbaveni selske9ho rozumu? Ať se jdou stydět nejle9pe do sklepa aby na ně nebylo vidět.
(14. 10. 2013 01:05)
Ačkoliv jsem ženske1 takovfdm věcem nerozumedm přesto si mysledm že většed pte1kovinu lidem předhodit nemlhoi to už si ve1žně mysled že thank you lidičky jsou zbaveni selske9ho rozumu? Ať se jdou stydět nejle9pe do sklepa aby na ně nebylo vidět.
(15. 10. 2013 04:39)
Savuth PennHello Cristina!I came from Cambodia, a small and poor country in Southeast Asia. Thank you for the commtnes and I also am looking forward to meeting you someday.Below is a short story I would like to share with you. It is a sad story, full of trial tribulation. I called it My Physical Journey on Urantia .I believe the best way for me to talk about my life experience in Cambodia and in America is in chronological order which I will group by years. There are three periods that I will cover in my story:1) From my birth in 1962 to early 1975, my life was relatively peaceful and calm.2)From April 1975 to mid 1980, my life was in turmoil. I will concentrate on this period the most since it had the most impact on my life.3)From September 1980 to present, my life was relatively peaceful again, but I still had to face many challenges.From my birth in 1962 to early 1975, my life was relatively peaceful and calm. I went to school and had food to eat. There was no major event in my life except that I rarely saw my parents. Both of my parents served in the military. There was war going on in the country, but it did not impact me very much. That was about to change though after the war.From April 1975 to mid 1980, my young life turned upside down when I was just about 12 or 13 years old. It began immediately after the war was over when we thought that peace would be realized at last. Within two weeks after the end of the war, my father was shipped along with other military officers to a remote location for mass execution. Fortunately, he didne28099t get killed. He came back home with a wounded arm. About three months later, they found him and executed him again. This time, it was in my presence. This part of my experience is hard to talk about, but I wrote it in a book called Children of Cambodiae28099s Killing Fields. Before I move on to my life experience in America which I thought was like heaven, I would like to add some details about my life in hell in Cambodia from 1975 to 1980. During that period, I was sent to work in the rice fields without adequate food and housing. We worked 16 hours a day seven days a week. I was almost starved to death. There was also no schooling. The only things that I learned was the feeling of hatred and revenge for my father and sisterse28099 death. In late 1979 and early 1980, the Vietnamese invaded Cambodia driving the communist government out to the countryside. My family of 10 members which had reduced to seven, returned home. I became the head of the household at 17 years of age. I had to support my mother, sisters and brothers. The only job that was available to me at the time was to climb palm trees and collect sweet juice to make into sugar. That was how my family survived for about a year. Then the price of sugar dropped and I was no longer able to support my family. I went to the Cambodian and Thai border to look for a new job. The fighting between the freedom fighters and the Vietnamese army at the border pushed me into the Thai refugee camp. Three months later, I ended up on American soil.From September 1980 to present, I have been living in the United States. It was very hard at first, but I expected nothing from America. I accepted whatever America offered me which turned out more than I expected. When I first arrived in America, I had nothing. I mean really nothing; no money, no education and knew nothing about the English language. One decision that I made that changed the course of my life was to go to school and the determination to stay in school. I spent my first eight years in school while in America. In 1988, I received my degree in Electrical Engineering. My belief in education pulled me out of poverty. I am very happy to call America my second home, but I also have had many challenges while living here. I was married in 1989 and have three children. Unfortunately, I got divorced in 2006. Overall though, there are many good things that have happened in my life. All the negative things that happened to me made me a stronger person with a tremendous appreciation for life in general. http://ehctfjovtq.com [url=http://kwdhaergeh.com]kwdhaergeh[/url] [link=http://uscipa.com]uscipa[/link]